Beginning and End Of The Time!

The story of a man who claims to have had an IQ of over 1000, his encounters with the aliens, and how he saved the world more than one time.

Kamran on Bike
13 min readJun 21, 2018

That day, when I left the Canyonlands National Park in the morning, I was expecting it to be an easy ride. After all, it was all descent. Descent it was, but my GPS device led me onto the backroads with no traffic where I had to push the bicycle through deep sand for hours. I ditched the GPS course and took a shortcut to Highway 191, but there was no shoulder to ride onto for many miles and on top of that, I struggled to keep the bike in the straight line due to the strong sidewind.

I switched between walking alongside the road and riding on the edge of the tarmac with the hope that the none of big trucks whizzing past me would crush me under their thick tyres. At times, I even considered going back to the sandy trail. When I arrived in Crescent Junction, I felt exhausted and dizzy. I stopped at the Papa Joe’s Stop and Go gas station, and grabbed a Gatorade and sat down to drink it.

“A few years ago, I rode this trike from Kansas to Baja California Mexico in ten days, 220 miles a day. I can go 66 miles an hour on this bike.”

From Crescent Junction, my route went westward to Green River, but I had no energy left to face the strong headwind so I decided to call it a day. The cashier at the shop said I could pitch the tent by a tree near the gas station. There was still three hours of daylight left. I sat down in the shade and while I was catching up on my diary, a man in his mid-sixties approached me and asked if he could join me at the table. His name was Mark.

“You are riding a bicycle? I am a cyclist too. I have a trike on top of my car. A few years ago, I rode this trike from Kansas to Baja California Mexico in ten days, 220 miles a day. I can go 66 miles an hour on this bike. The highway police clear the traffic for me once they see me on the road! No one messes with me because they know who I am!” he said.

“I had an IQ of over 1000!”

Suddenly, he had all my attention. I closed my notebook and began listening to his unusual life story.

“My father was a part of the team that built the German V2 rocket. At an early age, I learnt from my father how to design advanced technologies, such as the Raptor Jet which had an engine on the back. It went like — teeeschew” making a high pitch sound and the motion of his hand from right to left, “Mach 15. I was a genius one. I had an IQ of over 1000!”

“I don’t think anybody ever had an IQ of 1000!” I disagreed.

“I smoked a pack of cigarettes a day when I was a child because I had to be calmed down. They knew what I could do. I could move a tank without getting in it; slide sideways, or crush it with the power I had in my head. They tried to remove the lobe of my brain. They got tossed against the wall. But I had an accident when I was 11 years old. A car hit me from the side when I was riding a bicycle. I lost my memory and had to start all over again!”

“When you die on earth, your body and brain die, but the spirit goes on to the white light and come back into a woman’s body and gets reborn again in a new baby.”

Mark continued his story.

“I was about 26/27 years old. I was on the road. There was a bright light right at me. The next day, I was 10 miles down the road over this hill. I was looking at my car. A blue object appeared in the sky. My watch was going backwards. The aliens appeared but then let me go. They said, ‘sorry to mess with you! We will not bother you again! You are powerful. You will protect this planet!’ Later in life, I was hiking the Appalachian Trail. I fell asleep on my backpack, soaking wet, rain was coming down really hard. I laid my head into a hole and gave myself up to God because I thought I was just going to die. Next thing I saw was a white light, people coming and dying, and the spirits were coming out. A guy kept repeating to himself that he had killed a bunch of people, mostly women. He gave me a choice and said, ‘see what is happening to your body?’ My head was in the water with my backpack. I walked to the rim. Everybody was going to the rim. Snakes, flies, fish, sharks, people, everyone was going to the rim. Inside the rim, back on the earth, the babies being reborn but they wouldn’t remember the past. When you die on earth, your body and brain die, but the spirit goes to the white light, comes back into a woman’s body and gets reborn again in a new baby. When I woke up I found myself on the trail. I was back on earth with special powers!”

“Remember the two hurricanes in 2011 which were heading towards DC? Nobody predicted it. I stopped them to save the earth!”

“Do you still have those powers?” I asked Mark.

“I still have ’em, they are just dormant right now. When I quit smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for six months, I get very powerful. Remember the two hurricanes in 2011 which were heading towards DC? They went like this,” while moving his arms apart, “and then dissipated into a tropical storm. Nobody predicted it. I stopped them to save the earth!”

“It is hard to believe!” I argued.

“Ok, how about the hole in the ozone layer in 2011? The sun was leaking through it. I looked at it, then looked away and then looked at it again, and it was all white. The hole was gone!”

“Can you show your powers right now? Do something smaller, like moving a glass, maybe?” I challenged Mark.

“I cannot do it because I am still smoking,” he replied and then carried on with the story.

“Once I was walking in the fields with my mom. I saw a 707 jet falling down. It was 200 feet above the ground, right above above our heads. I put my glasses on the ground and took a deep breath and lifted my hands in the air. The plane stopped falling, then started gliding and eventually landed safely. The pilots didn’t see me. They only saw the white light. Later, they told that said there was a Santa Clause on earth.”

“I am here to protect the human race not because I want to, but because I am the beginning of time!”

“But, with such powers, you must have made some enemies too?” I asked.

“If someone messes with me, I can go back in time, rewrite history and they will not be here anymore. I am here to protect the human race not because I want to, but because I am the beginning of time when I died on the Appalachian trail. I am the beginning of the time. I am the end of the time. I am not allowed to use my powers to get money!”

“Who has put these restrictions on you?”

“Me! What would I need money for? I don’t harm people. I only did once, and I punished myself. Once I interfered with time and allowed my sister and husband to live longer, but my aunt died.”

“I took the solar system, two dimensions forward, three dimensions sideways, two dimensions up and here we were, safe and sound.”

“You can interfere with time?” I asked. It was the first time I had heard anyone say this.

“Yes, in 2011, I changed world’s time. There was a war coming in Arizona. An alien race was coming for us. Our jets were having a hard time fighting against them. The aliens on the Earth were dictating us that we cannot have more than 500,000 people on earth. I had to do something. I decided to do something different. Have you heard about dimensions? I took the solar system, two dimensions forward, three dimensions sideways, two dimensions up and here we were, safe and sound. Now the aliens are out looking for us, not us looking for them. I changed the time on them so they won’t be able to find us! I moved the earth to a different dimension. Even if they found us, they wouldn’t f**k with us. But this had some consequences. Things changed a bit on earth. Some people stayed, some people didn’t. The Black Sea used to have a triangle, no longer there. Between China and Japan, there used to be the Black Sea, now it is south of Japan. Some people do notice that few things have disappeared from Earth for no reason.”

“So what happened?” I asked.

“I transferred us to another dimension.”

“But, how would you prove this to others?”

“They will think I am crazy. But I am not. I wake up every day, the human race is still going. We are not only on Mars, we are on Saturn. We have our own US Navy in the space. The US is 5000 years more advanced than any other country in the world today. The UFOs are not that powerful anymore.”

“We made a treaty with the aliens.”

“Where are these UFOs from?”

“From other solar systems, 9 of them. Now they are living underground in the eastern part of the US. We made a treaty with the aliens. The presidents have met them!”

“Which presidents?”

“Trump! When Obama was the president, he met the aliens!”

“Why would the aliens come here make a treaty with us. Why wouldn’t they just try to take over the earth?”

“Because they know there is a powerful being on the planet?”

“And that is you?”

“hahaha, yeah. The beginning of the time, the end of the time. hahaha. Don’t f**k around with me! The president Obama knows me. He landed right at my folk’s place.”

“You have met him?”

“Yeah, a couple of times. I had a dinner with JFK when I was a little kid.”

“President Donald Trump heard about me and looked at the book and said, ‘oh!’”

“Where did you meet JFK?”

“He came to see me. They flew in a chopper to Palo, pictures taken of him. He had a BBQ and took a limo over to my school to set up a meeting with the high school kids. President Donald Trump heard about me and looked at the book and said, ‘oh!’”

“What book?”

“The special book that all presidents get to see. When he read about me, he asked, ‘you mean, he is still alive` He is still kicking, he can still do that?’”

“When was the last time have you had any communication with the aliens?”

“1977! They still live on the US soil. Only I could go to them and talk to them. Aliens bow down on their knees to me. Even their leaders also bow down to me.”

“How do they look like? Do they look like this?” I asked Mark while pointing at the picture outside the door of the jerky shop.

“Sometimes! Other times, they look like you and me!”

“We have two bases on Mars, two bases on Saturn, and two bases on Jupiter. American troops are there, discovering our past, where we came from?”

“Are you alien?” I asked him.

“Yes, the oldest one! 54 billion years ago! Back then, my planet was alive, thriving, most powerful.”

“Am I also an alien?”

“This planet was owned by 12-feet tall beings. We took away it from them!”

“Where did we come from?”

“Mars! hahaha”

“But there is no life on Mars!”

“Humans are at Mars!”

“What? Humans are on Mars?”

“We are on Jupiter. We have two bases on Mars, two bases on Saturn, and two bases on Jupiter. American troops are there, discovering our past, where we came from?”

“If somebody threatens me, I will go back to the past and destroy their life!”

“Why is this question so important to us?”

“They were trying to find out about me more. I said I cannot tell you about me. That is like my way. They have to find it out themselves. They found a sea on the Mars which looks like our Chicago, but the air is thin there. So they went to Peru, South America, and found out if we had larger lungs like Peruvians, we live on Mars. The radiation is not that strong as it used to be.”

“Can you help me with your powers?”

“I am not allowed to. I am only here to protect the planet earth. If I help you, somebody else might die. If somebody threatens me, I will go back to the past and destroy their life. I have seen you in dreams that I will be seeing you here. Years ago, and here we are, talking! I get powerful visions.”

“Can you tell me something about me?”

“Let’s see, I haven’t done it for a long time,” Mark took his glasses off, closed his eyes, and took a depth breath. After a long pause, he continued, “I see a person — not much hair — glasses — I think he is your father, saying, ‘What are you doing son? Trying to cross America? Bunch of idiots! Your mother sitting — she has a veil over her face — in a room — but you could see her face. Your father, he takes his glasses off. He is working on something — can’t make out what it is — it goes up like this — has weird shapes, your mom saying something to you. I give up. I have a bright light that goes around me. It takes the brightness out of my eyes and I am back at my home,” he opened his eyes with a deep breath, “I stop breathing to near death when I do this, and my heart goes very slow, like beep — beep — beep!”

“But my mom died many years ago, she didn’t know I would be crossing the Americas!” I told him.

“Oh, maybe, I had the right one or a wrong one, hahaha. I saw someone. It is hard to go back in time and see the person.”

“Could you see in the present?”

“Right now, no. I have been smoking way too fast.”

There was a long pause in our conversation. I could hear the trucks and cars speeding on the freeway I80 in the background.

Mark closes his eyes again. “Long nose, almost same as yours, no beard, none, mostly bald, trimmed hair, big glasses, big, plated gold, with the wires going around behind his ears. He is looking at something.”

I was surprised though couldn’t admit in front of Mark that he was able to accurately describe my dad’s sunglasses. My dad used to wear gold-plated Ray-Ban glasses with the cable temples. These glasses were given to him by my aunt. Near the end of our conversation, I told Mark that I was going to pitch the tent near a tree on the other side of the gas station. Earlier, he had told me he was also going to spend the night there in his car but then said, “over in Colorado, there is a huge fire going on, was heading right towards us. I don’t know about you but I might be going out of here.”

“Can you stop the fire?”

“I can, but I wouldn’t. It is their job to do it, not mine. The humans should do it. I did that once and my aunt died. If I do everything they will sit on their asses and not do anything. I can only protect the planet earth from being destroyed. In the future, the earth will die one day, the people will go to the other solar systems.”

“One rover went to the darker side of the Mars and found cities, trees, creatures running around.”

“But we don’t the capability to so far out in the space?”

“Yes, we do. We can now travel light years. The rockets today are obsolete. But, we do have anti-gravity rockets. The astronauts can live in the space with oxygen-pills. The US sent out three rovers to Mars. One rover went to the darker side of the Mars and found cities, trees, creatures running around. The vehicle flew mapping the whole planet.”

I told Mark about my recent experience at the Mesa Arch in the Canyonlands National Park. “I saw stones dropping near me and then spotted a figure, behind the rock. Who could it be?”

“It was alien! There are some beings you don’t want go near. You wanna run away from them. You want to stay alert. You must have a gun on. You don’t go to sleep. Because they will call dog soldiers. Those guys will kill you for your blood because they need to eat food. You shoot ’em. In Afghanistan, they had American soldiers fighting Taliban. A special group of five people went to a village. All they saw were few dead bodies, no blood and the rest of 310 people, gone. The five guys were split into teams to go find what happened, but they were never seen again!”

Our conversation continued till the night. I pitched my tent not far from his vehicle and crawled into my tent thinking I was in safe hands.

Next morning, Mark took his trike out for a spin. He was fast but nowhere close to 66 mph. I bid farewell to him and began my ride to the west on Freeway I80. That day, fast traffic wasn’t much of a concern for me, at least at the beginning, probably because Mark was watching over me — someone who is the beginning and the end of the time — whom, in case of an accident, I could ask to go back in time and not let the reckless driver be born!

About me

I’m a cyclist photographer sharing stories of the world through pictures and words. Currently, I am cycling from Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, to Alaska. To date, I have cycled 45,000 km through 43 countries.

You can follow my adventures on Facebook (KamranOnBike), on Twitter (@kamranonBike) and on Instagram (@kamranonbike).

Originally published at on June 21, 2018.



Kamran on Bike
Kamran on Bike

Written by Kamran on Bike

I’m a cyclist photographer sharing stories of the world through pictures and words. I have cycled 50,000 km through 43 countries.

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